Elisabetta Franchi

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<strong> FW24 COLLECTION</strong>







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    Ef Onlus Foundation

      Elisabetta Franchi

      Dog hospitality in the headquarters

      Elisabetta Franchi, who has always been an active supporter of the fight against the abuse and abandonment of animals, decided in 2013 to open the doors of her company to dogs, thus allowing her employees to bring their beloved four-legged friends with them to the workplace.

      Dogs are allowed to roam freely in the 6,000 square metres of the maison's headquarters, both in the offices and in the garden surrounding the building.

      "An initiative that I strongly wanted, born out of my personal experience. I myself am never separated from my dogs. It seemed natural to me to allow my employees to do the same," commented Elisabetta Franchi.

      Dog hospitality makes it possible to combine the benefits of pet therapy with those derived from creating a positive family atmosphere around employees.